
The Selfish Horse

Author - Dilkesh Madhukar

Once, a trader had a donkey and a horse. Everyday, he would load the donkey heavily and go to the city to sell things. One hot day, the donkey started feeling dizzy. He asked the horse to take some of his load but the horse refused saying that it was not his duty to carry loads.

Soon the donkey fell down and died due to extreme heat. The trader then put all the load on the horse's back and continued his journey.

So, it's true that one who does not help his friend in need, has to himself face problems in the long run.

Moral- Don't be greedy.

Difficult words-

  • Trader- व्यापारी
  • Load-बोझ लादना
  • heavily- बहुत अधिक
  • everyday- प्रतिदिन
  • Dizzy- चक्कर
  • refused - असहमत, मना करना
  • duty - कर्तव्य, काम
  • fell down - नीचे गिर जाना
  • died - मर गया
  • due - ऋण
  • extreme - तीव्र
  • Greedy- लालची

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